By Nayab Sh
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Islam, a true religion of peace and humanity, unfortunately is now being considered a root cause behind undemocratic practices prevailing in Islamic states. The major reason behind such misconception is misunderstanding and absolutely wrong analysis of Islamic political values. While discussing the topic of Islam and democracy people often take extreme positions; some present Islamic political system as an antithesis of democracy, while others emphasize that both Islam and democracy are two different terms implying same thing as John Esposito and John Voll argued in their recent book 'Islam and Democracy' that both are compatible with each other. But the real picture is different from both viewpoints. Therefore before taking sides of either group one must have complete understanding of some important concepts regarding the place of democracy in Islam.
The Concept of Sovereignty in Islam
The basis of Islamic political system is an absolute belief in the sovereignty of Allah, the real law giver. No one, even a prophet can order others in his own right. The Prophet himself is subjected to Allah's commands. As Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "I do not follow anything except what is revealed to me". For man Islam uses the term "Vicegerency" (Khilafat) instead of "sovereignty". Anyone selected as vicegerent uses the power as the trust from Allah and is answerable before Him for every action he takes under these powers.
Decision Making Process in Islamic Polity
In Islam 'Shura' is the only decision making and implementing body. The role of Shura is often compared with the role of parliament in modern democracy but the main deference between two is the concept of real law giver. In Islam only Allah Almighty is the real law giver to Whom the authority of legislation vests. Man has no authority to modify the prescribed limits and cannot resort to independent legislation. He has to take all decision within the prescribed framework according to rules of Allah not by the choice of people. Such limitations are placed just to prevent exploitation of man in the name of majority vote and to evolve a well balanced system of social justice under which political powers can be used to eradicate elements causing insecurities and uncertainties among people.
Principle of Equality in Islam
Islam presents an egalitarian social structure according to which all human beings are equal before Allah; no one is superior to another on the account of his social status, family background, caste or profession. The only criterion of superiority is personal aptitude and noble character. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) asserted this reality on many occasions. Some of those assertions are given here:
"No one is superior to another except in point of faith and piety. All men are descended from Adam and Adam was made of clay."
On another occasion of addressing people after the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:
"O people of Quraysh! Allah has rooted out your haughtiness of the days of ignorance and the pride of ancestry. O men, all of you are descended from Adam and Adam was made of clay. There is no pride whatever in ancestry; there is no merit in an Arab as against a non-Arab nor in a non-Arab against an Arab. Verily the most meritorious among you in the eyes of Allah is he who is the most pious."
Not only in the social matters Islam also gives equal rights to all believers even in case of ruling over an Islamic state. The whole Muslim community has given equal sharing in Islamic State with no supremacy of a particular class.
As according to the Holy Prophet (PBUH), "Every one of you is a ruler and everyone is answerable for his subjects."
If you just have a look over Islamic History, you'll come to know that at many occasions people from lower social status even slaves were being appointed at higher positions and nobles did not feel embarrassed to serve under them.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "Listen and obey even if a negro is appointed as a ruler over you."
The Concept of Expression of Freedom in Islam
As far as the concept of freedom of expression is concerned Islam put some limits and restrictions in order to safeguard the personal dignity and self respect. Everyone enjoys the freedom of expression but within a prescribed framework of limitations and is not allowed to go beyond a limit where his freedom becomes the exploitation of other person's freedom. The purpose behind placing certain checks and balances is securing human freedom rather than depriving him of any of his just rights.
The Concept of Fatalism in Islam
Some people also criticize Islam for being the fatalistic religion again limiting the area of activities and struggle in every sphere of life. Critics say that Islam preaches that everything has been decided before and now nothing can be done to undo the decisions of Allah. This is again a one-sided view, not the whole picture. Let's examine it in the light of the Quranic injunctions:
And not an atom's weight in the earth or in the sky escapes your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that, but it is (written) in a clear Book. (Yunus 10:61)
To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlarges the provisions for whomsoever He pleases and straitens it for whomsoever He pleases. Surely He knows all things full well. (Ash-Shura 42:12)
Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because on the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness. (As-Shura 42:30)
If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have faith, they will enter Heaven and not the least injustice will be done to them. (An-Nisaa' 4:124)
It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will, believe, and let him who will, disbelieve. (Al-Kahf 18:29)
It's true that first two Quranic verses prove the power of Almighty Allah over each and everything of this universe. But the remaining three verses given below clearly proves that every misfortune happen to man is an outcome of his wrong deeds not because of a pre-written decision by Allah. He blessed everyone whether male or female on the basis of his/her intentions and deeds not on the basis of their gender.
Having right or wrong viewpoints regarding the decisions of Almighty is contingent upon your discerning ability as there is nothing wrong with Almighty laws and decisions. So what is needed a fact based, systematic study of Islamic political system under the light of Quranic references to develop its true image in your mind and to put an end to all such misconceptions and extreme views about a peaceful religion forever.
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