Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Rites of Hajj

What does a person do while on Hajj? Even though there are several historic landmarks in Mecca, the pilgrimage is not a sightseeing trip. Muslims must perform various rites in order for their pilgrimage to be accepted by Allah.
Here are the basic rites of Hajj:
  • Enter the state of Ihram – Ihram is a state of purification which the Muslim must observe before starting the Hajj. While in this state, Muslim men can only wear two simple white cloths. Muslims in this state are not allowed to cover their heads (men only), cut their hair, clip their nails, kill any animal, or engage in sexual intercourse.
  • Tawaf – Tawaf means to circle the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction.
  • Sa’iy – Sa’iy is the rite commemorating Hajjar’s search for water for her baby Ismail. Muslims are to run or walk between the two mountains of Safa and Marwa.
  • Departure to Mina – After the rites of Tawaf and Sa’iy, the Muslims then leave Mecca and spend a day in Mina.
  • Praying at Arafat – After the morning prayer at Mina, the Muslims head for the plains of Arafat. While at Arafat, the Muslims spend the day praying to Allah until sunset.
  • Spend the night at Muzdalifah – After sunset at Arafat, the Muslims head for the area of Muzadalifah. While in Muzadalifah, the Muslims pray the last two prayers of the evening and spend the night. They also collect the stones for the ramiyal jamarat (stoning the devil).
  • Return to Mina – The Muslims return to Mina and perform one stage of the ramiyal jamarat. After the first devil stoning ceremony, the Muslims sacrifice an animal, shave their head (men only), and partially leave the state of Ihram.
  • Tawaf Ifadha – The Muslims return to Mecca and circle the Kaaba seven times again. They also pray at the Station of Ibrahim, perform Sa’iy again (running between the mountains of Safa and Marwah), and drink from the well of Zamzam. At this stage, the Muslims completely leave the state of Ihram.
  • A third trip to Mina – The Muslims can spend up to three days in Mina. During this time, they are to complete the final two stages of ramiyal jamarat (stoning the devil). The three stages of ramiyal jamarat represent the three attempts by the devil to influence Prophet Abraham and his family.
  • Farewell Tawaf – After departing Mina, the Muslims return to Mecca and perform a final Tawaf (circling) around the Kaaba. This final rite concludes the Hajj.

An Insight Into Islam and Virginity

There was a decision recently made by a French judge to call off a Muslim wedding just for the reason that the woman was not a virgin. This has provoked anger from the secularists and various factious who see the ruling as a danger to the French values. One of the French ministers went on to suggest that the ruling was a fatwa against the liberation of women which is generally used by the sects.
This ruling also highlights the challenge in front of the French Muslim women. These women have become more liberated sexually while staying with the traditional Islamic values. The anxiety arising from this has never been as fierce as this. As it is a matter of family honor that the girl getting married should be a virgin. It is not uncommon that the women about to get married have to prove their virginity. Sometimes they are even asked to go to doctors to determine the status of virginity.
Some of the women get so worried about the thought of bringing disrepute to the family, that they undergo a surgical procedure called hymenoplasty. This procedure reconstructs hymen broken during intercourse.
Some of the reactions to this decision in France were excessive. Also some try to show Islam in negative light at any given time. Some called it a move towards the Shariat law which does sound ridiculous. In fact the court did a favor to the woman as the much older man did not have the sense to keep the bedroom matters secret.
Article Source:

Chicago Tribune: Language Matters: Islam, a Definition


Language is to ideas what the body is to the soul. It is the physical manifestation of thought. It is the mortar with which we shape our understanding of the world.
But what happens when words are transmuted from one language to another and subjected to preconceived notions or limitations prevalent in the new language? Do they lose some of their original meaning?
If we are interested in gaining a better, more accurate understanding of Islam, its concepts, doctrine, and ideas, we must concede that there needs to be more robust scrutiny of the definitions that shape our discourse on Islam.
So with that in mind, I will be running a special series here at the Chicago Tribune's The Seeker faith blog in which I will attempt to analyze definitions and translations of key Islamic terms to test them for authenticity. I am calling the series "language matters," an intended pun on the importance of language in the understanding of faith constructs.
For this first installment, let us start at the root, the word "Islam" itself.
Islam is commonly translated into English, by both Muslims and non-Muslims, as simply "submission" (or "surrender").
This is a simplistic translation that fails to convey the full meaning of the Arabic word.
There are namely two problems here.
First, "submission" and "surrender" in English contextualized usage imply a sense of coercion, a usurpation of one's free will. When we say "surrender!" for example, it's usually at gun point.
This contradicts a foundational criterion of Islam: freedom of will.
In Arabic, "Istislam," not "Islam", means "surrender" (noun). Like its English counterpart, "Istislam" implies coercion, and like its English counterpart it can be used to describe the act of one man vis-a-vis another. Conversely, "Islam" is used ONLY in the context of God, and ONLY in a state of free will (there is no single word in the English language that conveys this).
In other words, for a Muslim to be a Muslim, he or she must accept Islam free of force or coercion. God wishes for us to choose him because we want him, and for no other reason but that. This is a key point that is often misunderstood. Since faith is a matter of the heart, it can never be forced. It is technically impossible that Islam could ever be spread by the sword or by coercion, as some suggest, since even if at gun point (or at the sword blade), one could just as well proclaim to be a Muslim to avoid death, but reject Islam in their heart.
That is not to say that an "empire," whether Islamic or otherwise, cannot be spread by the sword. But faith cannot. Just as no physical force can coerce you to love someone you do not love, none can coerce you to believe something you do not believe.
God understands this; in fact, he ordained that it be so. Since he is a judge of hearts first and foremost, it is logically necessary that he makes faith a matter of free choice, a matter of the heart and mind. Islam can only be spread by invitation (Da'wah) and persuasion (Hujjah), not coercion (Ikrah). The Qur'an explicitly states: "La Ikrah fel Deen" or "Let there be no compulsion in matters of faith." (Ultimately, Muslims believe that faith is decreed by divine guidance.)
The second problem this translation poses is that there is no linguistically derived relationship between the English "submission" and the English "peace," unlike the case in Arabic where "Islam" and "Salam" (peace) are derived from the same root word "slm" (to be in peace).
This etymological relationship is critical and cannot be lost in translation. We submit willingly to God in search of peace. As Muslims, we cannot take the "peace" out of our relationship with God, we cannot be Muslims resigned to anger, trepidation, or bitterness. Human beings are free to choose God's peace or reject it. The Quran puts generous emphasis on these themes. When we achieve peace with God whom Muslims regard as the ultimate Peace, only then can we be at peace with ourselves. And only when we are at peace with ourselves can we then be at peace with others.
In conclusion, a qualified translation is in order for the real meaning of the Arabic word "Islam" to be fully and faithfully conveyed in the English language. Islam does not mean "submission," Islam means "to freely submit one's will to God's, in pursuit of divine peace." A simpler version that carries the same meaning is "to enter into God's peace," as Professor Tariq Ramadan proposes.
It is ironic that two important characteristics of being a Muslim, in fact the two most basic criteria (freedom and peace), are two of the most misrepresented and conflated when it comes to the West's conception of Islam. But that is of little surprise when you consider that the building blocks of our discourse and understanding - the language we use - is itself flawed.

Article Source:

New Take - Why the American Left Loves Islam


From President Obama to the least popular host on MSNBC or progressive talk radio, the American political left cannot find anything to dislike in the Muslim religion. At least, if they do, they are not telling.
Considering Islam's bad record on human rights (see Sudan) on women's rights (see Afghanistan/Pakistan), its belief in a real God, its belief in a holy scripture, its history of 1,400 years of warfare, conquest, forced conversions, persecution of minorities; you'd think, the political left would loath the sound of the call to prayer or the sight of a minaret, like they do the Christian cross and the memory of Jerry Falwell.
What is it that the American left sees in Islam that makes them defend it with the passion of a convert to the Charismatic Catholic Renewal? Explanations to date range from the argument from cowardice: namely, that the left is afraid to criticize Islam because they fear becoming an intentional target of a suicide bomber; to the explanation from Machiavelli, that the left wants to use Islam as a foil against Christianity and Judaism to destroy Christian/Jewish power in America. Of course, the addendum on this argument is, because of the secular left's antipathy to religion, that after their gambit works, they will turn on Islam, and so completely remove the influence of faith from American life.
As inventive as those answers are, I don't see the left composed of a bunch of cowards afraid to criticize anyone or anything. I also disagree that the left would play the dangerous political game of elevating Islam and then turning on it, knowing that the very first purges of society made by an empowered Islam would be against those left-wing members of society.
The most satisfying answer that no one has yet offered is found by looking at the kind of salvation offered by each of the great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and, of course, Secularism.
Salvation in Judaism
In Judaism, the salvation offered is national. We can prove that by reference to the Hebrew scriptures where it is recorded that the nation was offered a relationship with God. In Judaism, the actions of a single person can bring disaster on the nation; whereas, the righteousness of the nation is required for blessing. One's individual relationship with God in some contexts is constrained by the Jewish nation's relationship with God.
Salvation in Christianity
In Christianity, the salvation offered is personal. One's ethnicity or national origin are facts that do not impede or aid one's personal relationship to God. One is born Jewish, but all Christians are supposed to be converts. Even if your parents were Christians, that heritage does not automatically make you a Christian, at least not in the sense described in the New Testament. Christianity, with its emphasis on individual and personal responsibility before God, has been called the perfect religion for a capitalistic society.
Salvation in Islam
In Islam, the salvation offered is social, not national, and not personal in the way Christianity is personal. One becomes a Muslim by reciting a Koranic exclamation. Everyone in Islam has exactly the same responsibility, the words of the prayers recited are expressed publicly, everyone prays at the same time toward the same geographic spot on the earth, making it social prayer. In Islam, the world-wide religious tax collected from every Muslim goes to provide for the poor. Look at Islamic societies, like Egypt. Everyone dresses alike, everyone's houses are similar, and everyone speaks the same thoughts (at least publicly). Deviations from socially acceptable speech are punishable by law with beatings and imprisonment. Except for the elite few, everyone lives a similar life, with a similar income. It is only in business that citizens have a hope of gaining materially something more than their neighbors.
Political/Social Salvation
The social salvation offered by Islam is the reason the American political left so "loves" this one monotheistic religion and despises the others. The saying goes, "two cannot walk together unless they be agreed." The American political left agrees with most of Islam's goals and with many of their methods. A world under the control of the American left would look very much like a world under Islamic control. Social salvation (peace) is imposed because every member of society must look like, act like, and think like every other member.
For non-leftists, especially the right-wing commentators, the actions of the political left often seem perplexing and inconsistent. That is because non-leftists usually view political actions from the 30,000 foot level of the nation-state. Even the 50,000 foot multi-nation view of leftist's actions doesn't seem to account for all the political positions leftists take in American society. This is because the American left's actions are driven from the high orbit of a world-viewing satellite. This view from space is primarily a moral view which gives the discourse of the secular left its religious quality and air of moral superiority.
If one believes that no human being should have to choose between satisfying their hunger or their thirst, but not both at the same time, the view from orbit makes sense. From orbit, with the entire world illuminated against the blackness of space, earthly resources are limited. Some human beings have a miserable life because their economics are primative: if they have a drink of water, they cannot have a mid-day meal, if one family member gets a new shirt, the rest must go without shoes.
Other people can go to the richest city on earth, take a penthouse suite in the most expensive hotel, and live there for years without those expenses in any way diminishing their personal wealth. Others can choose between the kinds of luxuries they enjoy, even though they cannot afford everything. Others must choose between wants, but have all their needs satisfied. Not so with many people throughout the world who must choose between basic human needs, and so suffer.
What the Left Believes
To the left, looking at today's default distribution of world resources, the inequalities seems to provide another reason for not believing in a good God. If they (the left) could re-distribute resources so every single human being had at least their basic material needs met (water, food, shelter, clothing, employment), those who accomplished this redistribution would be the gods of this new world order. It's a high moral view because it cares about human suffering and finds no technical reason that economic discrepancies between societies should continue.
Convergence of Islam and the Left
Islam believes if all humanity submits to Mohammed's revelation, then there will be peace. Radical Islam proclaims that until all the world submits, peace for any in non-Islamic society will not be allowed. Furthermore, Islamic societies are driven by top-down, non-democratic means. The elites make the social decisions, for everyone else those decisions amount to the will of God. The political left loves this kind of societal organization because only in this way can their goals be achieved.
The American left is uncritical of Islamic societies not because they don't privately opposes Islamic religious ideas, but because Islam and the left both offer a human, social salvation. Islam imposes their salvation in the name of God. The American left would impose their social salvation in the name of the moral goal of eliminating needs-based human suffering. For the political left to criticize Islam would be to criticize themselves, something those with a high, external, moral purpose will not do.
This explains why Christianity, because of its emphasis on the personal and individual, cannot be tolerated and must be rebuked or marginalized at every opportunity. A Christian society, including even a degenerate western society originally based upon Christian ideas, is an enemy of both Islam and secular political thought because of its elevation of the individual. The elimination of human suffering caused by the inequitable distribution of resources is a goal that rises above the prosperity of a single nation or the possible achievements of any single member of those societies. An all-powerful God could have designed a better system, but because He didn't, the left will rise to the challenge and do the work He should have done, but certainly only in their own name, not in His.
It is true that achieving the end of human needs-based suffering is technically possible. That possibility makes it a moral imperative. Private religious/charitable organizations can only redistribute the gifts of individuals. Governmental/societal redistribution, like the Islamic tax for the poor, is no longer charity - it is public policy. Such a policy carries not only a moral imperative to the conscience, but the hefty sword of governmental enforcement. It is such a lofty moral goal, that should a portion of the human race suffer the loss of a privileged lifestyle from this necessary re-organization, so be it. At least, this appears to be the perspective the left offers.
Understanding this connection between Islamic and leftist political salvation explains everything. The left is often accused of condescending, arrogance, and elitism. But if your religion offered a salvation that could bring the world and all of humankind political and social peace, while your opponents followed the teachings of a God who couldn't accomplish what you can, how else could you feel?
The citizens of any country (especially in the West) cannot be allowed to think as individuals who are responsible to God first and only secondarily (and tangentially) responsible to government. National citizens must become world citizens and this means individuals in a society must think as a group, part of a world society in which every culture shares equally. In Islam this view is God's will and so it is a salvation that should be imposed as, perhaps, a last resort. For the true believers on the American political left, their high moral purpose for the good of humankind must also be imposed, not just as an arrogant exercise of power, but because individuals cannot do it, single nations or groups of nations acting individually cannot accomplish it. Like Islam, if the American left cannot argue society into accepting their moral imperative, as a last resort and for the benefit of humankind, it will have to be imposed.

Article Source:

Muslim Marriage - A Relationship Which Symbolizes Islam and Love

Muslim marriage as in other faiths is a sacred institution. It is a moral contract binding between a Muslim man and a Muslim woman. Muslim marriages are performed according to the laws of the Islamic Shariah. Islamic marriages are generally arranged marriages by the parents. The proposal for marriage is made by the girl's parents to the guy and once with the acceptance from both the sides the ceremony of engagement is made which is further followed by the marriage. The Islamic marriage is solemnized by a priest who takes the consent of both the bride and the groom for the marriage. The bride and the groom's consent is followed by signing of the marriage proposal by the bride, the groom and the witnesses. The Koran or the holy book is placed between them and they are made to see each other through a mirror. The Islamic marriage ceremony is celebrated with the distribution of dates and sweets and with a grand feast. In an Islamic marriage premarital intimacy is strictly not permitted. According to the religion of Islam a Muslim marriage is the foundation upon which an Islamic society is built.
Muslim marriage is characterized by offering of the dowry by a Muslim man to his spouse. The main purpose is to safeguard the economic status of the Muslim women in case of any unto do incidents. The dowry or the mahr can be paid before or after the marriage and with the failure of the payment of dowry the Muslim marriage becomes invalidated. The Muslim marriages insist on the husband supporting his spouse financially and therefore it is the duty of the husband to support and protect his wife. The Muslim marriage rules also insist that the husband should make sure that both his wife and children have access to the religious Islamic materials.
One major difference between Islam and other religion is the practice of polygamy, the Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four wives as long as he can support and protect them. Muslim women however are not allowed to marry more than one man. The religion of Islam does not permit homosexuality. It allows the marriage of a Muslim man to a Jewish or a Christian woman. Though the Islamic law permit's the marriage of Christian or a Jewish woman to a Muslim male it does not permit them to have the inheritance of their spouse unless it is conferred by the Muslim man on their Jewish or Christian spouses.
Islamic religion lays down strict marriage regulations as marriage and family are the building blocks of Islamic society. The moral contract between the husband and wife in Islam is bound by certain rules and regulations. Islam clearly defines the role of a husband in a family as well as that of a wife's duty. It is the healthy family life which would form the basis of healthy off springs. This further would lead to the growth of a strong Islamic society. The ultimate aim being the growth of the religion with staunch followers of Islam and Muslim marriage is a really a formatted institution.
A Muslim marriage [] is a bond that binds a Muslim man and woman together in matrimony for the rest of the woman's life.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The Benefits of Hajj

Over fourteen hundred years later, millions of Muslims still perform Hajj every year. Hundreds of millions of Muslims, like myself, hope to make Hajj every year. But Allah only gives a small percentage this opportunity. This pilgrimage is a glorious occasion, and we continue to pray, hope, and save up for the day that our chance arrives.
But why do Muslims long to make the Hajj? Well, there are several spiritual benefits that come with the pilgrimage to Mecca. For one, Prophet Muhammad has stated that a Muslim who performs Hajj will return home like a newborn baby.
This means that all of our sinful deeds are wiped away after the Hajj. This gives us the opportunity to start anew a try to live as righteously as we can.
Another benefit of Hajj is the chance to see the brotherhood of Islam in action. As I mentioned above, millions of Muslims, from all over the world come to Mecca for the pilgrimage.
During the Hajj, one can see Muslims from the Middle East, and Africa, and Asia, and Europe, and the Americas all in one place. All of these Muslims are worshipping one Creator together.
This display of brotherhood is overwhelming to many. Even the late civil rights activist Malcolm X was amazed by what he saw. The following is an excerpt from a letter he wrote back home while he was in Mecca.

Source : 

The History of the Hajj


The Hajj did not begin with Prophet Mohammad, may Allah be pleased with him. In fact, for centuries before his birth, the people of Arabia made pilgrimage to the holy Kaaba in Mecca.
Most of the people who visited the Kaaba during this time were pagans and worshiped hundreds of different idols. But the Hajj did not start out as a pagan ritual.
The Kaaba was first built by the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael), peace be upon them both. They built this structure to worship Allah, the only deity worthy of worship. The Kaaba is the first building devoted to the monotheistic worship of Allah alone.
After the construction of the Kaaba, Prophet Ibrahim would continue to visit the Kaaba every year. Initially, the people of Mecca followed Ibrahim and Ismail’s faith and worshiped Allah alone. But after the prophets died, and the city continued to grow, the original purpose of the Kaaba and the Hajj were forgotten.
The Hajj became a celebratory occasion, and the worship of Allah was replaced with the worship of pagan idols. The people of Arabia continued to make pilgrimage to Mecca and visit the Kaaba, but they did so only to make merry, commit immoral acts, and worship false deities.
Then Allah sent Prophet Muhammad to mankind with the message of Islam. After several years of struggle, Mecca was conquered by the Muslims, paganism was wiped, and the Kaaba was cleansed of all idols.
Prophet Muhammad reestablished the monotheistic qualities of the Hajj. Once again, the pilgrimage to Mecca was devoted towards the worship of Allah alone.

Souce : 

What Is The Hajj ?


The Hajj is the pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca. It is a lifelong goal for most Muslims. We are required to perform the Hajj at least once in our life. We can only hope that Allah blesses us with the ability and means to make this wonderful pilgrimage.

Souce : 

The Five Pillars of Islam

Muhammad peace be upon him, has stated: “Islam is built upon five pillars.” He then went on to quote the five pillars of Islam, those being: Shahadatayn (two testimonies), Salah (prayer), zakah (charity), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage). You will see how these five pillars help to strengthen the soul, guide the heart, and unify the community.

Two Testimonies (Shahadatayn)

The first pillar is the Shahadatayn which means, the two testimonies. The first is to affirm one’s belief in Islamic monotheism. A Muslim must testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone. When the Muslim states this fact, they are obligated to leave all false deities behind, and direct all forms of worship towards the almighty creator, Allah, Glorified and Most High.
With the second testimony, the Muslim states that Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is the messenger of Allah. By testifying to this fact, the Muslim is acknowledging that Prophet Mohammad was sent by Allah to mankind as His messenger with the final revelation, The Quran. With this affirmation, the Muslim is obligated to obey the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him, in all matters concerning the faith.

Prayer (Salah)

The second of the 5 pillars of Islam is the prayer. With this pillar, the Muslim must establish the five obligatory prayers, also known as Salah, within their correct times.In addition to performing the prayers on time, the Muslim must also perform them according to the method taught to us by Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him.
The Islam prayer is not only significant because they were ordained by Allah. Muslims are encouraged to pray in congregation whenever possible. Doing so helps to unite the Muslims as brothers.
The Prophet has stated that prayer in congregation is worth 27 times more than prayer alone.
Muslims reject all intermediaries between them and Allah. Therefore, when a Muslim makes the prayer regularly and with sincerity and focus, they are communicating directly with Allah. This brings humility, satisfaction, and serenity to their character, Inshallah (if God wills).
The prayer is so important that the one who deliberately abandons it is no longer considered a Muslim. For as Prophet Muhammad has said: “(The difference) between a believer and a disbeliever is abandonment of the prayer.”

Paying Charity (Zakah)

The third pillar is giving charity, or zakah. By giving zakah, the Muslim is taking action to purify his wealth by sharing his wealth with those less fortunate. This also helps to mitigate envy between different classes within a society, and also fosters brotherhood amongst Muslims. Such actions can go a long way in establishing a just and crime-free society.
In addition to creating harmony within society, paying zakah also creates harmony within the individual. The person who gives the proper charity to those in need is protecting himself from selfishness and miserliness.
Zakah is paid once a year on a Muslim’s surplus wealth. This means the Zakah is paid based on whatever wealth is left over after paying all debts, expenses, and necessities. And the rate to be paid is very low; only 2 ½%.

Fasting During the Month of Ramadan (Sawm)

The fourth pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During this month, the Muslim must abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse from dawn till sundown.
Performing this pillar establishes patience and humility within the believer. Fasting also helps to bring a person’s carnal desires under control. A Muslim who is fasting is far less likely to commit a major sin than one who is not. In fact, there are many Muslims, who outside of Ramadan are addicted to cigarettes, yet they are able to leave them alone for a full month!
A Muslim is encouraged to fast throughout the year, but it is only during Ramadan that fasting is compulsory. Ramadan is an important month for Muslims as that is the month during which the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him. And the devils and evil jinn are locked up during the month of Ramadan as well.
Fasting has many other benefits. It allows the rich to experience the suffering of the poor. And since many Muslims usually break fast and pray together during the month of Ramadan, this is also a chance to further strengthen the ties of brotherhood.

Pilgrimage to the Kaaba (Hajj)

The last of the 5 pillars of Islam is to perform a pilgrimage, or Hajj, to the Kaaba at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime. This is a difficult and arduous feat, but the Muslim who performs Hajj correctly will receive unlimited rewards.
The Hajj is especially important in bringing Muslims together. Muslims are spread out all over the world. Performing the Hajj pilgrimage helps to bring the global Muslim community together in a unique way. Only those Muslims who are financially and physically able are required to perform the Hajj.
But for the one who does it, conducts themselves in the appropriate manner, and performs all of the required rituals as taught by Prophet Mohammad, they will have all of their previous sins wiped clean. Inshallah.

Source : 

Five Benefits of Islam's Goodness

Muslims are encouraged to perform good deeds in a variety of ways. People performing these make society a more pleasant place for everyone, and so this article will describe five ways in which Islam encourages goodness.
1 - Zakat - Islam Encourages Charitable Giving
The Zakat is an act that requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their wealth to good causes every year. This is beneficial to the community for obvious reasons, especially as local services are having budgets cut during these times of austerity.
Only those with sufficient wealth are required to perform Zakat. The minimum level of sufficient wealth is refered to as the Nisab, and is around 90.8 grams. This is about 3.2 ounces, and with the current price at $ 1,326 an ounce, that makes the current Nisab about $4,243.
While the Zakat is the minimum required donation, Koran 5.9 also states:
"Whoever is watchful against the stinginess of his own soul, those shall be the successful'' (Koran 59:9)
So the Koran encourages people to be generous. And when done in moderation, generosity is a generally a good thing. For example, a person who always buys doughnuts for the office will be more popular and make his friends happy, but if he does it too often he'll make them fat while making himself unnecessarily poor.
2 - Be Cheerful To Others
The Prophet Muhammad has been quoted as saying;
'Cheerfulness towards other people, even a smile is a sadaqah or charity to be rewarded by Allah'.
If people in the street were more inclined to smile at each other and be more friendly, than society would be more pleasant and mutual cooperation more likely.
For example, last night on the escalator in London Bridge, a suite wearing young gentleman rudely accosted an elderly tourist for standing still on the wrong side of the escalator (it's the convention to stand on the right, and walk on the left), trying to shove him and shouting at him to get out of the way. The elderly man just looked confused and scared, and froze like a deer caught in car headlights. Fortunately, a kindly looking bearded Asian man calmly explained the convention to the tourist, upon which he apologised for his indiscretion and stepped to the side. If the young suite wearing gentlemen had been friendly in his request, rather than confrontational, the tourist would not have been afraid and would have reached his destination a little sooner.
3 - Be Honest
t3.6 states:
"Tell the truth when you speak. It is one of the worst betrayals to tell your brother something he thinks you are being honest about when the matter is otherwise."
Honesty is required for society to function successfully, though it is unfortunately possible for a minority to profit from the majority through dishonesty. Many examples of dishonesty can be found from the credit crunch headlines. For example, borrowers lying about their income caused many people to struggle more than they should have, when the borrowed too much money and found it hard to repay loans at a later date.
4 - Dress Appropriately
t3.7 Be honest in your clothes and dress. It is an outrage against Allah to appear to His servants in the guise of the righteous while secretly contradicting it with the works of the wicked.
In Charlie Brooker's "The Hell Of It All" he states that the older he gets, the more teenage girls appear to dress like prostitutes. Some people have claimed that this tendency to dress suggestively has led to the UK's rise in teenage pregnancies.
5 - Be Humble
t3.17 Do not seek exaltation on earth, but have humility...
Humility and modesty tend to be virtuous characteristics, as they involve treating each other with respect. Humble behaviour also leads to less violence.
This article only skims the surface of the benefits of Islam's goodness. And there are many other internet based resources where the reader can learn more.
An interesting feature of Islam is that followers seem to be able to interpret the guidelines individually. For example, many Muslims state that Islam forbids gambling. This is because earnings are supposed to be the result of hard honest work. Also, addictive behaviours are frowned upon.
I have Muslim friends who partake in what they describe as statistical arbitrage in Internet Poker rooms. While most people regard Poker as a form of gambling, my friends believe that their scientific approach to the game makes their activities a form of hard work.

European Union, The Islam Military Alliance - The Devastating Ancient Prophecy Unfolding Today

The European Union will soon reform into ten member states. This will see Britain withdrawing or being kicked out of the present European Union or common market as it was previously known. This creation will all take shape quickly and at the head of this new union of European members will be Germany. This will however be quite a different Germany to the one we see today. Also we will see an Islam military alliance take shape. Among the nations of this new Islamic military alliance will be Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia. When Egypt and Ethiopia falls into the hands of radical Islamists the vital Red sea shipping route for oil will be controlled by this large Muslim military alliance.
What is happening in Ethiopia and how is Iran inflaming the Islamists?
Vicious fighting is presently boiling over on the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. Somalia's feeble transitional government is being ousted by the Islam Iranian -backed Al-shabaab terrorist militia, while Ethiopian forces battle their way to the Somali border to ward off the Islamic extremists.
One of the prominent officials of Al-Shabaab made a public announcement at a gathering convincing Muslims in both Kenya and Ethiopia to revolt against their governments. Sheikh Mahad Omar Abdikarim was quoted as saying that the. "oppressed Muslims of Kenya and Ethiopia need to liberate themselves from Christian domination"
The recent outbreak of anti-Christian hostility has brought about the displacement of 4,000 Christians within the Jimma Zone of Ethiopia. The brutal Muslim attacks started a day before the influential al-shabaab official proclaimed his orders. It all started when a local Muslim accused a Christian of defiling the Koran, hence resulting to the gruesome burning of Fifty-nine churches and twenty eight homes during the attack.
Ethiopian authorities sent out security troops but reports said that they were outnumbered by the Islamist invaders. The 2007 census reveals a statistic of forty four per cent of the population belongs to the Ethiopian Orthodox church, while 34 percent are Sunni Muslim. The rest are scattered to several protestant Christian denominations. As is usual in these type of conflicts there will be a refugee crisis as the christian population of Ethiopia clamours to escape. More than likely these refugees will head towards European Union countries instead of the nearby larger African countries.
The conflicts between the al-shabaab terrorists and the Ethiopian troops in Somalia plus the Muslim attacks on churches across the western Ethiopia have created havoc within and outside the state. The current uproar that has just started out as a Somali civil war might soon trigger an interstate war between the Islam-controlled Somalia and its western opponent.
Somalia's Islamic rebellion, stated in a UN report, is said to be a clear display of their support for the Iranian cause when they sent out 720 of their best-skilled fighters to Lebanon in the summer of 2006 to aid in overthrowing the Israeli forces. As a return for their assistance, the al-shabaab's parent organization, the Islamic Courts Union, received three consignments of arms, ammunition and medical supplies from Iran. To further show their gratitude, Iranian proxy Hezbollah provided Somali rebels with advanced training by sending five military consultants to Somalia.
The support of Al-shabaab terrorist troops to Iran provided the latter with more than extra soldiers in its battle against Israel. The objective of Iran to have power over the flow of oil through the red sea and the Mediterranean sea requires them to also be in control of both the Southern entrance to the red sea and the Mediterranean sea. The authority to implement a trade restriction would be a powerful weapon for Iran and Islam in their battle against the European Union and the rest of the western world. The domination of Iran over Somalia and Eritrea cannot be completed unless the Ethiopian resistance is totally annihilated. Hence, the Islam al-shabaab terrorist militia's battle against Ethiopia is very important.
If you want to understand why the radical Islam is so eager for an alliance or influence over these two countries (including Egypt and Tunisia), look at a good map of the Middle East with a focus on the European Union, Mediterranean Sea and in particular, the Red Sea and all will become clear. Indeed, these two seas cover the most significant trade route in the whole world!
Radical Islam will take control of Ethiopia and will also indisputably also take authority over the small areas of Eritrea and Djibouti on the coastline of the red sea. These areas are also noted to have only just become sovereign from Ethiopia.
Prophecy reveals that a restructured 10 nation European union led by Germany will be ready to confront a Muslim alliance of nations that include Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya and others. This will set off a devastating chain of events that will affect us all.

Status of Arabian Women Before Islam

Status of Arab women before Islam.
Condition of Arabian womens before spreading of Islam:
Before Islam, condition, or status of women was low. Women were considered as slaves or property of men. Women were used for specific purpose and after meeting that purpose they were discarded. Women were considered unimportant and anything related to women were also considered unimportant. Women have no right take decisions of her life. A woman has to spend her life according to desire of her guardian or owner (who buys them); in the dark time men was treating with women as treat with animals. A woman has no right of owning of property on her name. In time of war women were treated as part of prize. At this stage we can say the condition of women was unspeakable.
Birth of Daughter:
On the birth of a daughter in a family was not considered as an event of rejoicing
But it was regarded as shame for family, and mostly female babies were killed at the time of birth or afterward and the killing rate was so high and uncontrolled. Even outside Arabia.
Outside Arabian:
Outside Arabia the status of women was not so better especially in all Europe, India, and Egyptian countries. Women were not regarded at as human being, they were regarded as animal and men treat with women as with animals. Women were regarded as slave or servant of men. A woman has no right to take decision of her life; she has to follow orders of her master or guardian.
Rights That Islam Gives to Women (After Islam):
In religion of Islam women is considered to be equal to a men like human being and they are partner in this life. In Islamic law a women has right of independence. She has right to take decision of her life, but there are some responsibilities of women towards herself and toward Allah (SWT)and she will be punished or rewarded on her sin or virtue. According to religion of Islam a women will be treated as same as men punished or rewarded.
In case of her marriage, she has right of choosing a partner for marriage and she has right to accept and reject partner for marriage. And her decision in this regard must be respected. Arab or Muslim women is not permitted to change her name after marriage, there will be no changes made in her name upon her marriage.
Right to go outside form her home:
Arabian or Muslim women are not restricted from going out or in public place or working community,
or visiting their relatives and female friends, if they are allowed by their guardian or husband. In order to go out from her home a women must be properly covered and behave according to instructions of Islam.
In the basics rights of a Woman in Islam, It is must for a woman to get education. In Islam seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. The word Muslim is not used for specifically for male or female but they are twin Muslim.
Right to Go to the Mosque:
In religion of Islam Muslim women has right to go to Mosque. If someone wife asks from her husband to permission to go to Mosque, he must not deny it to her. There are some obligations for Muslim women before going to mosque they must be properly dressed and covered.
In the religion of Islam, the rights and responsibilities of a woman are equal to those of man.
Nazihah Rafaqat is from Dammam (KSA). Nazihah has done her masters in social sciences. Currently she is doing a research about Arab Culture and specially Women in Arab Culture.

Mohammed (P.B.U.H) - Prophet and Founder of Islam

Mohammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, was born into a polytheistic environment around 570 A.D.  He belonged to the clan of Hashim and was of the tribes of Quraysh, the group who controlled the Kaaba stone during this time.  Mohammed's father died some time before his birth and his mother died when he was still very young.  He was raised as an orphan among his relatives and practiced the polytheistic forms of worship known among his people.  While still a teenager, Mohammed became a camel driver and soon began traveling with caravans from Egypt to Syria.  At the age of 25, Mohammad came under the employment of a wealthy widow in Mecca named Khadijah.  Although she was 15 years older than him, they married and she bore him two sons and four daughters.
It was during Mohammed's travel with the caravan that he came in contact with the representatives of the many different religions and cultures of that time.  He observed that many of them had several things in common:
· A belief in one God
· A dualistic belief in the fight between good and evil
· A scripture they believed to be the Word of God
· An eschatology teaching that the righteous would be rewarded and the evil punished
During the solitude of Mohammed's travels, he began to meditate in search of the one true God.  After approximately 15 years, he claimed to have had a vision in which the angel Gabriel told him that he was to be the prophet of Allah.  Mohammed was then instructed to proclaim this message that there is no God but Allah.  According to Thomas M. Starkes, in his book Today's World Religions, Mohammed received the exact words that were to later become the Quran, even though he could not read or write.  Acting as the prophet of Allah, Mohammed began to spread the message that he had been given, but it was not well received.  Mohammed was laughed at, and on one occasion, when he and his followers were praying to Allah, the residents of Mecca threw dirt on him and his followers.
In 619 A.D., Mohammed lost his wife in death.  In 620 A.D., he and some of his followers received a visit by men from the town of Yathrib.  This town was later renamed Medina, in honor of Mohammed.  The men from Yathrib were mostly Jews who believed that Mohammed could be the Messiah.  Their mission was to convince him to come to Yathrib and bring peace among its warring factions.  Initially Mohammed refused, but in 622 A.D., while wars had broken out in Mecca, he and his followers went to Yathrib to establish the peace as they had initially been requested to do.  Among Muslims, this trip to Yathrib became known as "the flight" or "Hijirah".
Islam grew in Yathrib (Medina) and by 629 Islam had grown into a major military and political force.  In 630, Mohammed entered Mecca with an army of 10,000 men.  He immediately took custody of the Kaaba and destroyed all relics, idols, and paintings that had become the object of worship among the people.  By 632, Muslims had near complete control of Arabia.  It was in that same year that Mohammed died.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The Media Bias in Covering Islam Contributes to Islamophobia

The media as a whole is a powerful entity. It has the power to change, influence, and produce, in both good and bad ways. When it comes to producing an "image" of Islam, the media is not doing such a nice job. It's an obvious truth that news channels are out to make a profit first and foremost, but with the amount of power they have to influence comes the responsibility to do good and tell truth, not misinform and put fear in the hearts of viewers.
When Islam is shown on the news, it is usually a violent act, and it is shown again and again and again in order to emphasize the fact that the violence happened to be connected to Islam. Now there are violent people in Islam, but it's also a truth that most Muslims are good, normal people. Another truth is that there is violence in Christianity, and especially Judaism, but those are not shown over and over again.
In order for the issue of Islamophobia to be solved, which is a long-term battle, anyone who has any sense of reality must use the media to provide correct, sensible, and true information and facts in order to show the real story of Global Islam.
Remember that profit is the main goal of news channels, and they will use controversial and misinformed topics to pull in viewers, who in turn receive this fictional fear and misconception of topics, such as Islam.

The Practice of Islam in Public Schools

Public schools in the United States can often seem hostile to Muslims. Legally, however, this should not be the case. Public schools, like other government institutions, are forbidden by the First Amendment from discriminating on the basis of religion and supporting or suppressing any particular religious belief. This means that students at public do have religious rights in public schools.
One of the most common inquiries about religious rights at public schools involve acquiring space in which to pray. If the school makes rooms available to student groups to meet during lunch, then they must also make a room available to Muslim students who request a room in which to pray Dhuhr. But if the school does not allow other student groups to use rooms, it is not required to let students pray in a separate room either. If Asr falls during the school day, school boards can, but are not required to, allow students out of class to pray. If this affects you or your child, contact the local school district to find out their policy on the issue.
If students wish to leave school to go to a Masjid to pray Jummah on Fridays, schools cannot discriminate against them for this. The school must treat that break as a religious holiday and an excused absence. The student must be allowed to make up any tests or work that he or she missed, but it is their responsibility to make sure this happens. This same policy applies to taking days off for other religious holidays, such as the Eids. Students also should be excused from strenuous physical activity during Ramadan, though sometimes schools require a doctor note.
Muslim students also cannot be forced to participate in activities which conflict with their religious beliefs. For example, some Muslims feel it is shirk to say the pledge of allegiance or bow in a school-sponsored martial arts program. In that circumstance, the student need participate and cannot be punished for it.
Religiously mandated garb, such as the hijab or long pants, must also be allowed. Students are allowed to wear this type of clothing at all times, and cannot be forced to remove them. Schools can, however, reasonably restrict the activities in which students can participate if it would put themselves or others in danger. For example, students in loose fitting clothing may not be allowed to take woodshop or metalworking classes since there is a possibility the clothes could get caught in machinery.
Of course students also have the right to be free of harassment from other students and to be treated equally by faculty. If other students are harassing Muslim students, this should be reported to the school administrators. If they do not take proper action to prevent it from happening in the future, contact a civil rights group like CAIR, MPAC, or the ACLU. Contact these same groups, or a private attorney, if there are problems enforcing your other rights as well.

Islam and Female Ejaculation

During their golden age of culture and thought, the Islamic world was known for its tolerance and intellectual curiosity (650-1150 AD). This tolerance was extended to the realm of sexuality where Islamic civilization had a much more open attitude towards sex than their European contemporaries. While, Christian Europe languished in the Dark Ages by proscribing sin to every sexual act; Islam laid down a reasonably easy to understand list of permissible (halal) and forbidden (Haram) sexual activities. The list of sexual activities permissible under Islam is considerable and is laid out as thus:

  • Vaginal Sex
  • Contraception (may only be used for family planning purposes)
  • Foreplay
  • Oral Sex
  • Breast Play - Sucking and caressing the wife`s breasts.
  • Orgasms
  • Abortion - permissible up to 3-4 months after conception
  • Male Ejaculation
  • Female Ejaculation


  • Adultery
  • Pre-marital sex - though a higher a premium is placed upon a girls virginity as opposed to a man`s
  • Lesbianism - not explicitly forbidden in the Quran, but significant social taboos exist against it
  • Homosexuality - absolutely forbidden
  • Anal Sex - Similar to Homosexuality, any acts of sodomy forbidden
  • Masturbation - The Quran does not explicitly forbid masturbation, yet most traditions of Islamic jurisprudence strongly discourage it.
  • Sex during fasting or Ramadan Prostitution
  • Sex during menstruation

While Islamic jurisprudence shared a widespread disdain with Christianity for any acts of sodomy and sex outside of marriage; Islam was far more permissible with sexual expression within marriage. As hard as that is to believe nowadays, the Islamic world was a far more sexually open society than the Christian West for more than a thousand years.
You will probably have noticed that Female Ejaculation is included on the list of Halal sexual activities. Islamic jurisprudence is remarkably thorough in attributing the source of its judicial interpretation of its various laws. This is especially true of Islamic views on female ejaculation. In Islam, it is believed that during orgasm, a woman ejaculates sperm, just like a man does. Furthermore, a few Hadith (oral traditions relating to the thoughts and actions of Muhammad) suggested that women discharges sperm during her sexual dreams in the same manner that a man does when he has a nocturnal emission. The following Hadith describes the process:
When a woman ejaculates sperm, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:198-199)
If a woman has a nocturnal discharge, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai ( 1:197)
When a woman has wet dreams, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:200)
Women has discharges during wet dreams, that is why the son resembles the mother -Salih Bukhari (1.3:132)
The Islamic views on female ejaculation mirror that of the ancient Greeks and Romans believing that both male and female semen were required for the creation of life. The Islamic faith clearly understood that female ejaculation was a biological fact and incorporated it as such into Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore, this view of female ejaculation still holds credence today within Islamic jurisprudence as well as the wider Islamic world.

Does Islam Promote Terrorism?

Islam has become a household word in the west today, yet not much is known about the beliefs of this great monotheistic world religion. In fact, it is the most misunderstood and often slandered religion in the world today. Unfortunately, the ones who bear the most responsibility for this sad state are the Muslims themselves, or at least people claiming to do things in the name of Islam which may or may not be "Islamic." Let's all do our part to speak up for Islam and not let these few people with their own political agendas continue to spread a false image of Muslims and Islam.
I think that the most compelling evidence for the truth of what Islam teaches is not going to be what this or that scholar says, but what the Qur'an and Hadith say regarding terrorism and war. The Qur'an is the primary source for Islam, it is the literal word of God as revealed to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and has never had a single letter of the original Arabic script changed. The Hadith are the words of the prophet (PBUH) who is a human being. His words are inspired by God but the choices of words are his own. The hadith are the secondary source for Islam.
So, let's look at the definition of terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. I think it's important to note that terrorism is a heinous crime that has permeated our societies since the beginning of time. It is in no way an Islamic phenomenon although it is portrayed as such by the media today.
The people and property that terrorists target are almost always civilian. What does Islam say in regards to attacking civilians and their property? First, let's look at a beautiful verse from the Qur'an, [Qur'an 5:32] "...anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. ..." Definitely the civilians who are randomly targeted by terrorists are killed unjustly according to the Qur'an itself. And, as for these terrorists who target innocent civilians, it's as if they are killing all of humanity, and they will have to answer to God for that on the Day of Judgment.
The Qur'an teaches that life is sacred; it states this in many passages in both direct and indirect ways. Life is a gift from God that only He can give and take. I will only quote one such verse due to the limitations of this short article. [Qur'an 6:151] "....You shall not kill - God has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."
In fact, we find that the Qur'an is quite explicit that we should be peaceful with those who are peaceful with us. [Quran 8:61] "If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient." And again, [Qur'an 4:90] ".... Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then God gives you no excuse to fight them." So, we can plainly see from these texts that it is not permissible for an individual to unilaterally decide to attack innocent civilians who pose no threat to themselves, their families or their property.
Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all aspects of human life, including war. However, there are very strict rules of warfare and distinct lines drawn between combatants and civilians. The prophet (PBUH) is recorded as saying, "Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman" (Abu Dawud). "Do not kill the monks in monasteries" or "Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship" (Musnad of Ibn Hanbal).
Furthermore, the first caliph Abu Bakr was the prophet's closest friend and staunchest supporter. He gave the following advice to the leader of an army unit that was heading to Syria, and his advice was based on his knowledge of what the prophet (PBUH) taught: "Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone."
Not only are Muslims clearly instructed not to harm any innocent individuals, we are also clearly instructed not to harm the infrastructure and economy of any land. Clearly this is in stark contrast to the acts of the terrorists who purposely target the civilians and the economics of a country.
The last point that I would like to make is that Islam is clearly against suicide and hence suicide bombing. There are some Muslim scholars who use the example of battles where the army vowed to fight to their death as evidence that suicide bombings are allowed. However, that is a highly debatable point and I personally feel that we should look to the Qur'an for the answer rather than individual's decrees. So, let's see what the Qur'an has to say about suicide. [Qur'an 4:29-31] O you who believe! Do not eat up your wealth in vanities among yourselves. But let there be among yourselves trade conducted in mutual good will. Nor kill or destroy yourselves, for God has been most merciful to you. If any do that in rancor and injustice, soon shall we cast them into the fire, and that is easy for God. If you but avoid the most heinous of the things which are forbidden to do, we shall expel out of you all the evil in you and admit you to a gate of great honor.
So, when we look at the Qur'an and Hadith we see that terrorism is clearly forbidden in Islam. People who hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings are not martyrs in Islam, they are people who are hijacking our religion and killing many innocent people. That is not the way of Islam; Islam is fair and protects the lives and properties of innocent people. Just because somebody does something in the name of Islam doesn't mean that the person is a Muslim or the act is Islamic. Please read the Qur'an so that you can find the truth for yourself. For a free copy of the Qur'an contact [] and order one today!

Americans Generalize That Islam is Radical and Backward

In this post 9/11 decade, our world continues to brim with tension, discord and conflict. Americans now seem to be even more concerned about "Islamic radicalism", violence and terrorism thanks to our media and its agenda setting, while the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the Arab world condemn terrorism as an affront to Islam. Generalizations and stereotypes abound about Arab Muslims. Everything from polygamy, terrorism and violence, Islam, their marriage system, and women's rights to being walking time bombs living in a collectivistic society.
People are going to generalize; it's human nature. What we must learn to do is be alert so that we recognize blanket generalizations when we hear them; allowing them to raise a red flag within our minds. Culturally, not all generalizations and stereotypes are false. Some are partially true and others might be right on. Regardless, the main message here is to seek to understand rather than judge when we hear a generalization simply because there are no right or wrong - black or white - answers. One of the best ways to demystify Arab cultural practices is to dissect the generalizations associated with them. Take, for example, a commonly-held generalization that Americans have about Muslims. Islam is a radical, backward religion.
Islam and Christianity are not as globally different as one might first think. In fact, they share many similarities. Both Muslims and Christians believe in the one true God as the creator, in the angels He created, in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind, in Judgment Day and individual accountability for one's action, in God's complete authority over human destiny, and in life after death. Neither religion condones suicide.
A major difference, of course, is the Islamic belief that God's message was revealed to Prophet Muhammed - a mortal man - in the form of the Quran; whereas, Christians believe the Bible is the word of God and Jesus, the son of God. Muslims believe that God dictates a government's legitimacy. This is in contrast to our belief that America was founded on a clear separation of church and state and that elected officials preside over our government. Islam is more than a religion; it is a way of life. Muslims are not individuals following God. When you become a Muslim, you are accepted as a brother and sister to all of the other world-wide Muslims in this society-based religion.
It is important to distinguish between religion and culture. Although intertwined, they are also very separate. Arab is a culture and Islam is a religion. Not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arabs. In fact, Arabs make up only 15-18% of the Muslim world. (Indonesia claims the vast majority of Muslims.)
Because the Arab culture came before Islam, the culture often takes precedence over the religion. For example, in most Gulf Arab countries, children attending government (public) schools are separated by sex. That is, boys go to a boy's school and girls attend all-girls' schools. This is culture and has nothing to do with Islam.
Parents are held accountable to God for the way they raise their children. This is an example of the Arab culture and religion holding the same weight. Sharia law is the legal framework that guides the lives of Muslims. This system is often cited when zealots go on a campaign kick proclaiming how radical and backward Islam is.
There's that generalization again. Did just hearing it prompt you to form an opinion? Have you ever wondered how opinions are formed? I can think of five components right off the top of my head: lack of facts, listening to what others say without thinking for ourselves, ignorance, prejudice, and justifying a generalization by pointing to the actions of a few garnering all the media attention. Most Americans don't understand - or are unaware - that Islam is interpreted and practiced differently depending on the Islamic country.
Islam has two complementary aspects. There is the set of unchangeable principles that guide behavior, values and faith, and then there is a second one consisting of practical application for the first. These applications adapt and evolve according to conditions and the ever-changing times, and yes, these applications vary by country.
We constantly hear about the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Taliban's version of Islam, according to experts, is often described as narrow minded, intolerant and punitive. Their practice of Islam is very different from "mainstream" Islam, which is generally thought of as moderate and flexible. Raja Zafar ul-Haq, an Islamic scholar and Pakistani political activist, tries to close the gap when he counters the argument about Sharia law and punishments, such as cutting off a thief's hand. "They don't realize that there are 13 preconditions that have to be met before that punishment is ordered. That's why nobody's hand is ever cut off here," says Zafar ul-Haq.
Much of the radical violence associated with Islam originated with Osama bin Laden and his salifist belief that violence - rather than peaceful means - was the way to solve Islam's "problems". A strong minority of these extremists exist, having originated in Saudi Arabia, and are using their ideology to export violence worldwide for political gains. If you believe promoting awareness and understanding is important, a good first step is to recognize a generalization when you hear it. Don't unabashedly repeat it or accept it as truth. Demystifying cultures and religions begins with dispelling ignorance and blanket generalizations.
Mary Coons works with professionals who want to communicate more clearly in the marketplace. She does this through writing. Mary also works with different entities who want to leave a lasting legacy by documenting their family stories and life histories.

Islamic Extremism? Four Examples Of How Islam Actually Promotes Moderation

From my research into Islam, it appears that moderation is placed in high regard, and that rules can be broken if the need is great.
Muhammad himself stated 'Do not overburden yourselves, lest you perish. People [before you] overburdened themselves and perished. Their remains are found in hermitages and monasteries'.
This article shall therefore list five ways in which Islam moderation makes sense for many people regardless of their faith.
1 - Muslims Can Eat Pork (in special situations)
It is well know that Muslims do not tend to eat pork, as it is regarded as a dirty animal. However, this isn't an absolute rule, and the rules of derogation state that Muslims may consume pork when given no alternative.
I once heard any interesting story about a group of young Muslims who wanted to test the laws of derogation. They had been good Muslims all their lives, and wanted to know what it would be like to be bad. So in a single night they drank, took drugs and ate pork sausages. However, they did not enjoy the experience and reverted to being good Muslims.
2 - Islam Asks Its Followers To Follow It In Moderation
The Quranic verse (57:27) states "As to monasticism which they themselves invented, we did not prescribe any of them."
So while Islam proscribes many guidelines for its followers' behaviour and actions, it also states that Muslims should not follow them with too much zeal. This recommendation can be applied to many other areas of life. For example, the attainment of a good work-life balance is a struggle for many people in the UK, due to the long hours that we endure.
3 - Islam Recommends Moderation In Spending
"Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just balance between those extremes....." (25: 67)
The Quran recommends moderate spending. There is no need for extravagance as it is unnecessary, wasteful and boastful. Humility as valued in Islam, as t3.17 states "humility in whatever degree Allah has raised you to." Also, person who is excessively extravagant would be able to better serve the world by helping others with the money.
However, Islam also advises against miserly behaviour. It can lead to unnecessary hardship, and those who do not share their wealth will find it harder to make friends and build business contacts.
4 - Islam Promotes Moderate Behaviour
'Alama Yusuf 'Ali, in his comments on these Quranic verses, says: "In all things be moderate. Do not go the pace, and do not be stationary or slow. Do not be talkative and do not be silent. Do not be loud and do not be timid or half-hearted. Do not be too confident, and do not be cowed down."
This can be very hard to follow. As some people are naturally quiet, while others are load and arrogant. Those who are too shy will often fail to achieve all that they are capable of. While those who are too arrogant will upset others.
One interesting facet that I've learned from my Muslim friends is that they are not allowed to self-righteously preach their religion, and when making Zakat donations must do so humbly, often making no attempt to draw attention to themselves. These humble acts are often more inspiring to others, than the loud ranting exhortations by the self-righteous.
Interestingly, this moderate religious zeal is also shared by Christianity. Many Christians believe that when Jesus returns, he will be there for the outcast members of society such as the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes. Those who are worthy and attend Church every Sunday will have no extra need of his help.
Concluding Words
This article has discussed four ways in which Islam promotes moderate behaviour. Please note that the author is merely a novice student of the religion, and that you can find many more in depth articles scattered around the internet.

Christian Understanding Of Islam For Religious Tolerance And Peaceful Co-existence

Introduction: The theme under consideration is more relevant during this time of our political, social and religious disturbance than at any other time in the history of this nation. A retrospective look into the activities of the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (C.C.S.L.) cum the Inter-Religious Council in relation to their quest for a peaceful settlement of the crisis in this country since the signing of the first peace accord and two others thereafter, will not leave us in any doubt as to the relevance of this topic. As I probe the topic, I realize that there are certain key words that must be taken seriously. These words are: understanding, tolerance, cooperation and peaceful co-existence. However, without the practical implementation of the meaning of these words, Christianity and Islam will be seen to be everlasting foes at the expense of progress. In my observation, I am convinced that three important factors among others compel us to address this topic: 1. The brotherhood of the human race 2. The similarity of religious beliefs 3. The common legacy of social problems.
The brotherhood of the human race is a compelling factor in the promotion of Christian - Muslim interaction for understanding, tolerance, cooperation and peaceful co-existence. Abdal-Rahman Azzarus, former Secretary, general of the Arab League between 1945-1952 emphasized the importance of brotherhood when he noted.
Arabian society was divided by tribal prejudices and uncurbed individualism and human society was dominated by racial bigotry and pride in lineage when the prophet appeared with his call to brotherhood echoing the cry of God: 'O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and Female, and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another and be friends. Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct.1
The teaching of the Bible supports brotherhood, and we see this portrayed in many ways:
(1) Through the creation story in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, the first man and ancestor of mankind was created, given a partner, an abode and responsibilities to take care of his new environment and procreate.
(2) Through the story of the Tower of Babel we see a people speaking one language, determine to build a city and a tower in order to make a name for themselves in total defiance of God's command to populate the whole earth. God put a quick stop to their intentions, confused their language and scattered them abroad.
(3) Through the post-flood narratives in Genesis chapter 10 and 15 Noah's three sons subscribe to the origin of Nations as we have them today, an idea verified by anthropologist, Arthur Custance:
a. The descendants of Japheth (Gen. 10:2-5) are Germany, Russia, Persia, Greece, Italy, America, Spain and Cyprus.
b. The descendants of Ham (Gen. 10:6-20) include the following - Ethiopia, Egypt, black Africa, the Canaanites of Palestine now known as Palestinians, Babylon and Assyria (now known as Iraq), Phoenicia, the oriental people of China, Japan, and India.
c. Furthermore, the descendants of Shem (Gen. 10:21-32; 11:10 -32) are the Nation of Israel through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and the Middle East Arab countries through Abraham, Ishmael and Esau.
Interestingly, there are Christians as well as Muslims among the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth so far listed above. In Many parts of the Quran on the other hand, the Prophet Muhamad's belief in the brotherhood of the human race is given confirmation (see suras -3:64; 42: 13; 2:256). In one particular instance we read in sura 2:136 the following statement: "we believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered"2 Surely, what this sura is saying is that the brotherhood of the human race is one sure and important common denominator in inter-faith understanding.
The second underlying factor for Christian understanding of Islam for religious tolerance, inter-faith cooperation and peaceful co-existence is the fact that in both Christianity and Islam, there is similarity of religious beliefs. Lest I should be misunderstood, I must underscore here that the ideas of similarity neither connotes that Christianity and Islam are the same, nor imply that the Bible is one and the same theological doctrines but those teachings which are similar ought also be honestly given due regard in order to encourage interaction between the two religions.
(1) SOME EXAMPLE OF SIMILAR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: There is belief in one God, prophecy, worship, prayers, mercy, law, scriptures, patriarchs, sin, forgiveness, judgment, Heaven, hell, Angels, rewards, eternal life, moral character, justice and freedom and many others. What usually sparks of debate, ill will and malice is when proponents of both religions either advertently or inadvertently emphasize those beliefs that are dissimilar at the expense of those that are similar.
In his book, Sandals at the Mosque, Kenneth Cragg is of the opinion that "Islam and Christianity deal fundamentally with the
Same things and to a significant extent deal with them in the same way. The distinctiveness that lies beyond the commonness is serious and inclusive and reaches back inevitably to qualify what is shared. The Christian presence in witness has to do critically and gloriously with this distinctiveness. But only on the ground f things in common". 3 In other words, what is common belief to both religions must serve as points of contact for better understanding but should not serve as a deterrent for critically assessing what is distinctively antithetical to both religions.
(2) Some Example of Dissimilar Religious beliefs or Points of Divergence
The fatherhood of God is denied because God does not have a wife and therefore, does not have children but slaves. Jesus Christ according to Muslims, is not the Son of God but an apostle sent by God. He is a man and the slave of God. Islam also denies the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (see sura 4:155ff). In the words of this verse - "They did not kill him and they did not crucify him, but one was made to resemble him"4 There are many other points of divergence but we must remind ourselves again that in order to foster understanding, cooperation and peaceful co-existence points of similarity must be the basis toward that end.
That both Christianity and Islam have a common legacy of social problems is a fact that clearly manifests itself from country to country among the ancient and in today's modern societies or communities. The Bible and the Quran are ancient religions and theological books that serve as a guide not only to the adherents of Islam and Christianity but also to the entire world as a whole.
In the Old Testament, in Exodus chapter 20, Yahweh gives mankind a social and religious blueprint in the form of commandments as a deterrent to antisocial and anti-religious behavior. The first four takes care of man's relationship to God:
1. Do not have other Gods before me.
2. Do not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in Heaven or on the Earth.
3. Do not take the name of Yaweh in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
A cordial relationship between God and man, the Creator and the creature is vital to a peaceful and progressive society. The second half of the commandments (six in number) deals with man to man relationship.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not give false witness against your neighbor.
10. Do not covet your neighbor's wife, or his servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is his.
A break in relationship between man and his maker may lead to a break in relationship in society. It is needless to say here that these commandments are emphasized and interpreted times without number in the entire Bible.
In view of the foregoing, what shape or form does the common legacy of social problems inherited by present day Islam and Christianity take today? The answer is simple. The setting aside of God's blueprint or commandments has given birth to countless other problems in different shapes and forms. There is in our communities the following - poverty, wars, disease, murder, slavery, racism, tribalism, injustice, rape, embezzlement of state funds, armed robbery and many others.
Many people of different backgrounds and academic stature have in the past attempted to solve these common problems in their own little ways but have failed. Before his death, the late President of the Republic of guinea, Ahmad Seku Ture wrote a book entitled. Islam for the People's Benefit, in which he interpreted Islam as a religion that is interested in the spiritual, social and political life of the people.5 Beyond whatever man has done in the past in addressing social problems, there must also be inter-faith input and dialog.
"There is inter-religion in the fundamental sense that mankind is one in its elemental needs, yearnings, wistfulness and fear. Religions, across all their disparities, are about the same thing, and have to do with the same world, with the heart of man, finitude of life."1Conclusion
In conclusion, I must give credit to the Christian Community and the Islamic Faith in Sierra Leone for having moved so fast from where they were twenty years ago to where they now find themselves in terms of inter-faith and inter-denominational understanding and cooperation. Instead of fear, suspicion and inactivity, there is now openness, frankness, trust and cooperative activity among the different religious groups. So, the theme -Christian understanding of Islam for religious tolerance as a foundation for inter-faith cooperation on value issues for peaceful co-existence, is timely and relevant. What propels us to reflect on this theme that hinges on three factors: The brotherhood of the human race. The similarity of religious beliefs. He common legacy of social problems.