Friday, 24 June 2011

Modern Muslims - A Commentary

Ask anyone about Islam and they will have an opinion about that. The modern times are seeing a number of radical changes, many of which, if not all, were not as obvious in the past as they are now. While in the first world countries more and more people are reverting back to Islam as a result of their observation and study of the religion, we Bangladeshi Muslims are taking a more liberal stand, if not against it. Be it our ignorance, our understanding of Islam, or our sarcasm to abide by the rules and regulations of Allah, we are in one way or the other managing to sideline our beliefs and tendency to know Islam better.
The current society is seeing a growing trend among people as to what I as well as many people term as modern Muslims. Truth be told I am unable to define the term "modern Muslims" either loosely or in a well definitive manner; since there can be nothing modern about a religion and its way of life that is here for 1400 years.
During my discussion with my friend the other day he was telling me that one of the basic reason for the advent of this group of Muslims may be what is called secularism. In other words acceptance of that which is not going against my mode of life is good... something that is going against it is bad. Although this is not what secularism means altogether.
The modern world is creating a good number of demands for goods or services that was even half a century ago not as popular. And as the new products are seeing their place in house hold lifestyle of the people are changing. I believe I need to elaborate the two previous sentences for you to have an idea of what I am talking about.
Although I am far way from being 50 while young television was considered a luxury. I remember clearly that my family members along with some of my neighbors used to watch worldcup football etc. Now having a TV in each of the bed room not considered a luxury but something that we cannot think without. Whats the impact... we are individually watching TV and no longer in groups as we used to.
Our lifestyle has also changed to a greater extent. Now a days the site of an entire family going out for regular shopping is a site that is hardly seen. Parents are not comfortable going shopping with their sons or daughters. Children are not comfortable going shopping with their parents.
The overall change in lifestyle has brought with it a change in which we behave, think, and interpret the surrounding. To us watching a movie on television or playing a computer game of spending time with our friends are more preferred than spending time with out family and relatives. On an average we spend more time with friends than we do with family members.
The individual and isolated living has given raise to the concept of "what I understand is right" and holding on to that philosophy rather than sharing what others like me or more knowledgeable may think. This individual thinking or behavior is what can be considered as secularism as defined by my friend.
Although sad but true that the true essence of Islam among most of us, Bangladeshi Muslims, is being replaced by secularism or modernism. To accommodate our thought pattern we would interpret Islam the way we want accepting part of it to be true while rejecting others stating that it was meant for the past and does not apply to the modern times.
One of my colleagues once ironically asked me, while we were debating about an issue in Islam, as to whether I would consider using a cell phone as against our religion since our prophet Mohammad sallallaho-alaihe-wasalam never used cell phone or has never spoken about it.
The fact of the matter is the DON'Ts of Islam is clearly mentioned. Let me make you read it again, the DON'Ts of Islam is clearly mentioned... and it can under no way be modified. If anything that does not come in that list is up to you to choose. If anything that falls in that list... be aware as to what you decide.
Now coming back to the point of secularism or modernism... I fail to understand as to how one can modernize Islam in any way. No matter what we have become it still remains that Quran is the words of Allah and if you want to modernize it it will no longer be Quran. So why the thought of modernizing the concepts of Islam.
Let me try to put it in another way. While in high school my Physics teacher once asked me what the Newtons 2nd Law of Motion was. Being as mischievous as I was changed the words a bit and stated the law in a way that was strictly adhering to the formula of the law of motion but was not in the words that was laid down in our Physics book. I played this trick with many of my friends and elders since they know that what I am stating is correct but at the same time is not what they have read. My teacher, being more knowledgeable than I was, snailed and stated what so many of my other teachers and friends could not "Son this is Newtons Law in your own words and interpretation. State the law as it is defined in the book." Now applying the same quote to the holy Quran the words and laws laid therein cannot be changed or modified or suited to our interpretation and reflected as though its from Allah but rather our interpretation of it.
So why do we do it? Well my observation is that it may mainly be to accommodate our thoughts and ways of life. We some how want to legalize what we do and the way we do it and if we stick to the truth then it may all will be termed illegitimate.
Let me try to elaborate it a bit. I asked a Muslim friend of mine as to what he knows of Christmas or 25th December. My friend was prompt in stating that it was the day Christians believe that Jesus Christ was born. I ask you too dear reader why do you think Christians observer December 25th every year....... do say your answer aloud. If you have said that it was the day Christians believe Jesus was born you are right... but basically wrong. It was the day Christians believe Issa Alahe Salam was born. Am I playing with words... I might as well be.
You see both Christians and Muslims believe in the same prophets other than one, that's ours. So Jesus is mentioned in our holy book as well as theirs and in ours he is mentioned as Issa and not Jesus... but 90% of whomever I asked replies that Jesus was born and not Issa. Tragic... this is modernism or secularism that I am referring to.
Although it may sound as a simple tongue twister but the fact is the concept of this modernism and secularism is rooted far within our soul that we are ready to admit. Look around you... would you rather change the way you live and behave with your society as per the rules and regulations of Islam... or would you rather accept the society and only follow that which is obvious in Islam thinking that the modern world lifestyle is acceptable in the site of Allah just because the vulgarity is all around us.
Its amazing how much a person gets to learn over the years. Its like every day there is something new that directly effects you that you did not know, or knew little of.
Here I am pointing out things that I just recently learned from people who live around me.

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