By Mark Zedler
During their golden age of culture and thought, the Islamic world was known for its tolerance and intellectual curiosity (650-1150 AD). This tolerance was extended to the realm of sexuality where Islamic civilization had a much more open attitude towards sex than their European contemporaries. While, Christian Europe languished in the Dark Ages by proscribing sin to every sexual act; Islam laid down a reasonably easy to understand list of permissible (halal) and forbidden (Haram) sexual activities. The list of sexual activities permissible under Islam is considerable and is laid out as thus:
While Islamic jurisprudence shared a widespread disdain with Christianity for any acts of sodomy and sex outside of marriage; Islam was far more permissible with sexual expression within marriage. As hard as that is to believe nowadays, the Islamic world was a far more sexually open society than the Christian West for more than a thousand years.
You will probably have noticed that Female Ejaculation is included on the list of Halal sexual activities. Islamic jurisprudence is remarkably thorough in attributing the source of its judicial interpretation of its various laws. This is especially true of Islamic views on female ejaculation. In Islam, it is believed that during orgasm, a woman ejaculates sperm, just like a man does. Furthermore, a few Hadith (oral traditions relating to the thoughts and actions of Muhammad) suggested that women discharges sperm during her sexual dreams in the same manner that a man does when he has a nocturnal emission. The following Hadith describes the process:
When a woman ejaculates sperm, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:198-199)
If a woman has a nocturnal discharge, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai ( 1:197)
When a woman has wet dreams, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:200)
Women has discharges during wet dreams, that is why the son resembles the mother -Salih Bukhari (1.3:132)
The Islamic views on female ejaculation mirror that of the ancient Greeks and Romans believing that both male and female semen were required for the creation of life. The Islamic faith clearly understood that female ejaculation was a biological fact and incorporated it as such into Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore, this view of female ejaculation still holds credence today within Islamic jurisprudence as well as the wider Islamic world.
- Vaginal Sex
- Contraception (may only be used for family planning purposes)
- Foreplay
- Oral Sex
- Breast Play - Sucking and caressing the wife`s breasts.
- Orgasms
- Abortion - permissible up to 3-4 months after conception
- Male Ejaculation
- Female Ejaculation
- Adultery
- Pre-marital sex - though a higher a premium is placed upon a girls virginity as opposed to a man`s
- Lesbianism - not explicitly forbidden in the Quran, but significant social taboos exist against it
- Homosexuality - absolutely forbidden
- Anal Sex - Similar to Homosexuality, any acts of sodomy forbidden
- Masturbation - The Quran does not explicitly forbid masturbation, yet most traditions of Islamic jurisprudence strongly discourage it.
- Sex during fasting or Ramadan Prostitution
- Sex during menstruation
While Islamic jurisprudence shared a widespread disdain with Christianity for any acts of sodomy and sex outside of marriage; Islam was far more permissible with sexual expression within marriage. As hard as that is to believe nowadays, the Islamic world was a far more sexually open society than the Christian West for more than a thousand years.
You will probably have noticed that Female Ejaculation is included on the list of Halal sexual activities. Islamic jurisprudence is remarkably thorough in attributing the source of its judicial interpretation of its various laws. This is especially true of Islamic views on female ejaculation. In Islam, it is believed that during orgasm, a woman ejaculates sperm, just like a man does. Furthermore, a few Hadith (oral traditions relating to the thoughts and actions of Muhammad) suggested that women discharges sperm during her sexual dreams in the same manner that a man does when he has a nocturnal emission. The following Hadith describes the process:
When a woman ejaculates sperm, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:198-199)
If a woman has a nocturnal discharge, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai ( 1:197)
When a woman has wet dreams, she should take a bath -Sunaan Nasai (1:200)
Women has discharges during wet dreams, that is why the son resembles the mother -Salih Bukhari (1.3:132)
The Islamic views on female ejaculation mirror that of the ancient Greeks and Romans believing that both male and female semen were required for the creation of life. The Islamic faith clearly understood that female ejaculation was a biological fact and incorporated it as such into Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore, this view of female ejaculation still holds credence today within Islamic jurisprudence as well as the wider Islamic world.
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