Wednesday, 29 June 2011

European Union, The Islam Military Alliance - The Devastating Ancient Prophecy Unfolding Today

The European Union will soon reform into ten member states. This will see Britain withdrawing or being kicked out of the present European Union or common market as it was previously known. This creation will all take shape quickly and at the head of this new union of European members will be Germany. This will however be quite a different Germany to the one we see today. Also we will see an Islam military alliance take shape. Among the nations of this new Islamic military alliance will be Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia. When Egypt and Ethiopia falls into the hands of radical Islamists the vital Red sea shipping route for oil will be controlled by this large Muslim military alliance.
What is happening in Ethiopia and how is Iran inflaming the Islamists?
Vicious fighting is presently boiling over on the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. Somalia's feeble transitional government is being ousted by the Islam Iranian -backed Al-shabaab terrorist militia, while Ethiopian forces battle their way to the Somali border to ward off the Islamic extremists.
One of the prominent officials of Al-Shabaab made a public announcement at a gathering convincing Muslims in both Kenya and Ethiopia to revolt against their governments. Sheikh Mahad Omar Abdikarim was quoted as saying that the. "oppressed Muslims of Kenya and Ethiopia need to liberate themselves from Christian domination"
The recent outbreak of anti-Christian hostility has brought about the displacement of 4,000 Christians within the Jimma Zone of Ethiopia. The brutal Muslim attacks started a day before the influential al-shabaab official proclaimed his orders. It all started when a local Muslim accused a Christian of defiling the Koran, hence resulting to the gruesome burning of Fifty-nine churches and twenty eight homes during the attack.
Ethiopian authorities sent out security troops but reports said that they were outnumbered by the Islamist invaders. The 2007 census reveals a statistic of forty four per cent of the population belongs to the Ethiopian Orthodox church, while 34 percent are Sunni Muslim. The rest are scattered to several protestant Christian denominations. As is usual in these type of conflicts there will be a refugee crisis as the christian population of Ethiopia clamours to escape. More than likely these refugees will head towards European Union countries instead of the nearby larger African countries.
The conflicts between the al-shabaab terrorists and the Ethiopian troops in Somalia plus the Muslim attacks on churches across the western Ethiopia have created havoc within and outside the state. The current uproar that has just started out as a Somali civil war might soon trigger an interstate war between the Islam-controlled Somalia and its western opponent.
Somalia's Islamic rebellion, stated in a UN report, is said to be a clear display of their support for the Iranian cause when they sent out 720 of their best-skilled fighters to Lebanon in the summer of 2006 to aid in overthrowing the Israeli forces. As a return for their assistance, the al-shabaab's parent organization, the Islamic Courts Union, received three consignments of arms, ammunition and medical supplies from Iran. To further show their gratitude, Iranian proxy Hezbollah provided Somali rebels with advanced training by sending five military consultants to Somalia.
The support of Al-shabaab terrorist troops to Iran provided the latter with more than extra soldiers in its battle against Israel. The objective of Iran to have power over the flow of oil through the red sea and the Mediterranean sea requires them to also be in control of both the Southern entrance to the red sea and the Mediterranean sea. The authority to implement a trade restriction would be a powerful weapon for Iran and Islam in their battle against the European Union and the rest of the western world. The domination of Iran over Somalia and Eritrea cannot be completed unless the Ethiopian resistance is totally annihilated. Hence, the Islam al-shabaab terrorist militia's battle against Ethiopia is very important.
If you want to understand why the radical Islam is so eager for an alliance or influence over these two countries (including Egypt and Tunisia), look at a good map of the Middle East with a focus on the European Union, Mediterranean Sea and in particular, the Red Sea and all will become clear. Indeed, these two seas cover the most significant trade route in the whole world!
Radical Islam will take control of Ethiopia and will also indisputably also take authority over the small areas of Eritrea and Djibouti on the coastline of the red sea. These areas are also noted to have only just become sovereign from Ethiopia.
Prophecy reveals that a restructured 10 nation European union led by Germany will be ready to confront a Muslim alliance of nations that include Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya and others. This will set off a devastating chain of events that will affect us all.

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